This surah consists of five verses and was revealed in Mecca. Chronologically, it is believed to have been the sixth chapter in the order of revelation. The name al-Masad (palm fibre) is taken from the fifth verse of the chapter in which this word appears. However, this chapter is also known by the names Tabbat (perished) and Abī Lahab.
Ibn Abbas narrates that after the verse, Warn the nearest of your kinsfolk (26:214) was revealed, the Messenger of God climbed Mount Ṣafā and addressed the people of Quraysh, asking if they would believe him were he to tell them that an enemy in the morning or night was going to attack them. They all replied that they would believe him. The Prophet then informed them that he was the Messenger of God and that they will be resurrected in the hereafter and will be requited for their good and evil acts. Abū Lahab, an uncle of the Prophet and one of the sons of ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib, was angered by his statement and told him: ‘May you perish (tabban laka); have you gathered this whole group just for that?’ Consequently, this chapter was revealed responding to Abū Lahab using the same expression (tabbat).
[1] Safi, 5/382. [2] Qaraati, 10/630. [3] Tabrisi, 10/851.