Yā Sīn – Verse 46

وَما تَأتيهِم مِن آيَةٍ مِن آياتِ رَبِّهِم إِلّا كانوا عَنها مُعرِضينَ

There did not come to them any sign from among the signs of their Lord but that they used to disregard it.


This verse concludes what was mentioned in the three sets of previous verses. The conclusion is that they are not going to regard any of those signs. The signs of their Lord that they disregard include anything that may make them reflect and ponder, consisting of external signs in their surroundings, what they can reflect upon within themselves, and what is recited to them in the book of God.[1] For them nothing is beneficial, neither the encouragements and glad tidings nor the warnings and admonitions. They are those blind-hearted that the Quran describes as Deaf, dumb, and blind, and they will not come back (2:18). Even though they should see every sign, they will not believe in it, and if they see the way of rectitude they will not take it as [their] way, and if they see the way of error they will take it as [their] way. That is because they deny Our signs and are oblivious to them (7:146).[2]


  1. Imam Ali (a) said about the consequences of those who rejected the signs of God: ‘O servants of God! Where are those allowed to be given long lives to enjoy bounties? They were taught, so they understood, they were given time [to repent and reform], which they neglected, were given protection, and forgot about it. They were given a long period of opportunity [to repent], provided with good, warned of painful punishment, and promised great rewards. Therefore, avoid the sins that lead to devastation and faults that cause the wrath [of God]. O you who possess eyes, ears, health, and wealth! Is there any place for someone seeking protection, a place of relief from hardships, a refuge from problems, shelter for safety, an escaping path for asylum, a harbour for those who cross away, a place for the perplexed, or not? If not, Then where do you stray? [6:95] and where are you being led away? [10:32] and what makes you arrogant and deceived?’[3]


They disregard it by mocking, as in, How regrettable of the servants! There did not come to them any apostle but that they used to deride him (verse 30). They did not pay heed to what happened to the wicked nations before them, and despite every sign and warning that came to them, they disregarded and rejected.[4]


  1. But I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, and though I multiply my signs and wonders in Egypt, he will not listen to you.[5]
  2. The Lord said to Moses, “How long will these people treat me with contempt? How long will they refuse to believe in me, despite all the signs I have performed among them?”[6]
  3. Then Jesus began to denounce the towns where most of his miracles had been performed because they did not repent … And you, Capernaum, will you be lifted to the heavens? No, you will go down to Hades. For if the miracles that were performed in you had been performed in Sodom, it would have remained to this day. But I tell you that it will be more bearable for Sodom on the day of judgment than for you.”[7]
[1] Mizan, 17/93.
[2] Amthal, 14/203.
[3] Nahj, sermon 83.
[4] Razi, 26/83.
[5] Exodus 7:3-4.
[6] Numbers 14:11-12.
[7] Matthew 11:20, 23-24.