Ṣād – Verse 51

مُتَّكِئينَ فيها يَدعونَ فيها بِفاكِهَةٍ كَثيرَةٍ وَشَرابٍ

Reclining therein [on couches], therein they ask for abundant fruits and drinks.


The previous verse told us that the doors of heaven are opened, inviting the God-wary to paradise. Like honoured guests they are brought into their palaces, and after they have settled down they are given dignified seats to recline on, and then served food and drink, with the angels and servants at their beck and call. Though the description of their seating is brief here, in other verses we are given more detail: reclining on couches in the shades (36:56) and Reclining on green cushions and lovely carpets (55:76).

The description of the fruits as abundant should indicate that they are of many varying types.[1] Other verses also describe the various drinks given to the people of paradise.

[1] Alusi, 12/204; Nemuneh, 19/315.