Ṣād – Verse 60

قالوا بَل أَنتُم لا مَرحَبًا بِكُم ۖ أَنتُم قَدَّمتُموهُ لَنا ۖ فَبِئسَ القَرارُ

They say: ‘Rather, may wretchedness be your lot! You prepared this [hell] for us. What an evil abode!’


Qarār (abode) means to settle somewhere and stop moving.[1] It is cleverly contrasted to the expression fawj muqtaḥim, which we discussed in the previous verse, that indicated forceful movement. The descriptions of violent and forceful motion, bringing into mind flinging and dragging, are brought to a standstill, not in a peaceful resting place, but an evil abode. The lamentation is palpable, as if the inmates wish they had stopped anywhere but here.


When the newcomers hear the wicked unwelcome of the leaders of vice, they answer them: Rather, may wretchedness be your lot, saying that they are more deserving to be cursed by others since they prepared this for us.[2] They cry out in the end, What an evil abode!, lamenting not only the terrible place they must reside in, but the terrible people they must share it with.[3]

We are not told the answer of the leaders here, but in the previous surah we read the rest of their argument: Rather, you [yourselves] had no faith. We had no authority over you. Rather, you [yourselves] were a rebellious lot. So our Lord’s word became due against us that we shall indeed taste [the punishment]. So we perverted you, for we were perverse [ourselves] (37:29-32).

[1] Raghib, p. 662.
[2] Razi, 26/404.
[3] Alusi, 12/208.