Al-Wāqiʿah – Verse 21

وَلَحمِ طَيرٍ مِمّا يَشتَهونَ

And such flesh of fowls as they desire.


The inhabitants of paradise will have anything that they desire and call for on the spot: you will have in it whatever your souls desire, and you will have in it whatever you ask for (41:31); They will be served around with golden dishes and goblets, and therein will be whatever the souls desire and eyes delight in (43:71); There they have fruits, and they have whatever they want (36:57).

However, certain bounties have specifically been mentioned and emphasised in the Quran, including heavenly fruits in many places and heavenly meat in another verse: We will provide them with fruits and meat, such as they desire (52:22). A point to keep in mind in this regard is that what we are told in terms of the rewards and punishments in the hereafter is expressed in our own limited language and understanding. Otherwise, the reality of heavenly drinks, fruits, meats, and spouses are beyond one’s imagination (15:17).

Since I’m talking to a child,

I shall be simple and mild.[1]

What I say is only

According to your stand;

So much I yearn

For those who understand.[2]

If an image is given to illustrate a case,

Don’t stick to the image forgetting its place.[3]

The free selection and choice that they will have in paradise is a reflection and consequence of their wise and righteous exercise of their choice and free will in this world. On the other hand, the disbelievers will have no selection or free will. Instead, they are enchained and dragged on their faces in hell (54:48, 40:71-72, 44:47, 69:30-32), made to drink from its boiling purulent water (14:16-17, 44:48), and not allowed to speak (77:35-36).


One can surely make dietary and nutritional inferences from such verses, such as what kinds of fruits or meats are more healthy, or to eat fruits before meat as per the order of these verses,[4] but that would be downgrading the noble verses of the Holy Quran to the low level of worldly affairs and carnal aspects. There is no doubt that the Quran has many secrets and teachings about how to achieve worldly objectives such as healthy bodies, but such elements are all secondary and marginal to the main message of these verses and the Quran in general. Instead, these verses are intended to arouse one’s desire for enjoyments of a higher level. They should strengthen the readers’ determination to free themselves from their carnal desires so that they may achieve their spiritual perfections and desires. Otherwise, if we focus on the dietary and medical aspects of the verse, we would deserve the rebuke that comes later in the chapter: What! Do you take lightly this discourse? And make your share of it your denial? (verses 81-82).

As long as you give your body what it craves,

Your soul shall remain dormant in a cave.[5]

If you close your mouth, then you can see;

This mouth and stomach blocks you from Me.[6]

[1] Rūmī, Mathnawī, vol. 4, line 2578.
[2] Rūmī, Mathnawī, vol. 3, line 2100.
[3] Rūmī, Mathnawī, line 1280.
[4] Razi, 29/396; Alusi, 14/137; Qaraati, 9/423.
[5] Rūmī, Mathnawī, vol. 2, line 265.
[6] Rūmī, Mathnawī, vol. 2, line 11.