Al-Wāqiʿah – Verse 62

وَلَقَد عَلِمتُمُ النَّشأَةَ الأولىٰ فَلَولا تَذَكَّرونَ

Certainly you have known the first genesis, then why do you not take admonition?


Certainly you have known the first genesis, then why do you not take admonition? The first genesis is our life and existence in this world. One who created us not from anything (19:9, 76:1) can surely bring us back to life after we die (17:51, 18:48, 30:27, 41:21). This should be enough sign and evidence for an alert heart to take heed and prepare ahead. Man says: ‘Shall I, when I have died, be brought forth alive?’ Does not man remember that We created him before, when he was nothing? (19:66-67). This is the most straightforward proof for the resurrection, and it is mentioned in various ways in numerous verses in the Holy Quran.