Al-Muzzammil – Verse 9

رَبُّ المَشرِقِ وَالمَغرِبِ لا إِلٰهَ إِلّا هُوَ فَاتَّخِذهُ وَكيلًا

Lord of the east and the west, there is no god except Him, so take Him for your trustee.


Having asked the Prophet in the previous verse to celebrate the name of your Lord, this verse further clarifies Lord as being one who is the Lord of the east and the west. Then follows the third command to the Prophet to take Him for your trustee (wakīl). This term, which is an active participle, means advocate, defender, protector, one who speaks up for another,‎‎‎‎[1] one who stands in lieu of or instead of another such that the acts and intents of the trustee are taken to reflect those of the one who made him a trustee or made him stand in lieu of himself or another self.‎‎‎‎[2]

This verse emphasises the significance of entrusting affairs to God, the one in whose power lies the command and the dominion of the east and the west and who is the only being worthy of worship. This phase comes after the phase of the remembrance of God and sincerity to Him. In fact, the expression so take Him for your trustee is in the form of evidence regarding the place of repose and trust in God, coming as it does subsequent to the phrase Lord of the east and the west, there is no god except Him, for how can a person not entrust his affairs to God when there is not in the entire great universe a command, an authority, one who bestows, a master, and one worthy of worship apart from Him?‎‎‎‎[3]


  1. Imam al-Bāqir (a) said: ‘One who places his trust in God will not be overcome.’‎‎‎‎[4]
  2. The Messenger of God said: ‘One who desires to be the most powerful person should place his trust in God. One who desires to be the noblest person should fear [to disobey] God, and the one who desires to be the richest and the most self-reliant person should place greater trust and confidence in that which is in God’s control than that which is in his control.’ Then the Messenger added: ‘If a man were to place his trust in God with true sincerity, he would rise beyond need, for how can he be in need when his Master is the rich, the most praiseworthy?’‎‎‎‎[5]
  3. Imam Ali (a) said: ‘One who relies on God will be made to see happiness [by God], and the one who places his trust on Him, He will suffice him in his needs.’‎‎‎‎[6]
[1] Arabic-English Dictionary of Qur’anic Usage, p. 1044.
[2] Fadlallah, 23/178.
[3] Amthal, 19/136.
[4] Mustadrak.W, 11/217.
[5] Mustadrak.W, 11/217.
[6] Bihar, 68/151.