وَدانِيَةً عَلَيهِم ظِلالُها وَذُلِّلَت قُطوفُها تَذليلًا
Its shades will be close over them and its clusters [of fruits] will be hanging low.
They are closely covered by its shade. They are able to reap its fruit at will, without any risk, hindrance, or toil.
- Rawḍat al-Kāfī reports from Ibn Isḥāq, that Imam al-Bāqir (a) said: ‘The fruits will be closely accessible to them as described in the divine words: Its shades will be close over them and its clusters [of fruits] will be hanging low. It will be so close that the believers will take the kind of fruit that they desire directly in their mouths while reclining. The various fruits will say to the friend of God: “O friend of God, take me before you eat that one before me.”’
[1] Tabrisi, 10/621.
[2] Kafi, 8/99, h. 69.