فَإِذا جاءَتِ الطّامَّةُ الكُبرىٰ
When the greatest catastrophe befalls.
Al-ṭāmmah means literally that which is above all and overcomes and overwhelms all else. When used to refer to a catastrophe, it is particularly one that cannot be prevented. It is further qualified as the greatest catastrophe, the one above all catastrophies, and thus refers to the Day of Judgement. According to some narrations, al-ṭāmmah is specifically the second trumpet blow with which comes the hour of resurrection. Note that while for a great many people the Day of Judgement will be the greatest catastrophe, for those who were steadfast in righteousness it will be the day of their greatest success when only their hardships and pains will be obliterated at last (5:119).
Describing the Day of Judgement as the greatest catastrophe, after beautifully depicting God’s creation in this world in the preceding verses, poignantly warns the reader not to get deceived by the lustre of this temporal life that will be overcome and obliterated after it has served its purpose.
When seen in the light of the previous verses that speak of the intricate and wonderous design of the universe that affords human beings their sustenance and well-being on earth, al-ṭāmmah comes with a shock effect.
Starting the verse with the particle fa expresses what follows to be a necessary consequence of what preceded it. In other words, the creation of the heavens and the earth, their design, and their management, comes hand-in-hand with the inevitability of the Day of Judgement.
[1] Safi, 5/282.
[2] Mizan, 20/191.
[3] Qurtubi, 20/206, who reports it as narrated from Ibn Abbas by way of al-Ḍaḥḥāk.
[4] Qutb, 6/3818.
[5] Mizan, 20/191.