Al-Nāziʿāt – Verse 42

يَسأَلونَكَ عَنِ السّاعَةِ أَيّانَ مُرساها

They ask you concerning the hour: ‘When will it set in?


Yasʾalūnaka (they ask you) is an expression that carries with it continuity in the action. Indeed, the polytheists would constantly, sceptically, and mockingly ask the Holy Prophet to inform them of the appointed time of the final hour (10:48, 21:38, 27:71, 34:29, 36:48, 67:25).[1]


  1. Ibn Mardawayh narrates from ʿĀʾishah: ‘The Bedouins would come to the Prophet (s) and ask him about [the appointed time of] the final hour. So he would look at the youngest amongst them and say: “If this one lives a hundred years, the final hour would come upon you.”’[2]

Note: This hadith and the likes of it may seem to indicate that the Prophet knew or discussed the timing of the final hour. However, in numerous verses God has clearly stated that the knowledge of the appointed time lies solely with Him (7:187, 31:34, 33:63, 43:85, 67:26). Furthermore, the verses ordered the Prophet to respond to those who asked about its appointed time that he did not have any knowledge about it.[3]

[1] Alusi, 15/238.
[2] Mizan‎, 2/198.
[3] Mizan‎, 2/198.