Al-Nāziʿāt – Verses 8-9

قُلوبٌ يَومَئِذٍ واجِفَةٌ

أَبصارُها خاشِعَةٌ

Hearts will be trembling on that day,

bearing a humbled look.


Verse 8 describes the degree to which the hearts will be distraught on the Day of Judgement. It further describes the deep distress of people during that hour by speaking in terms of the sight of their hearts in the expression abṣāruhā khāshiʿah (68:43, 42:45). On one hand, this expression can be taken to refer to the state of the heart that is most manifest in one’s eyes.[1] On the other, saying that the sight of the heart is humbled in awe, fear, and reverence, emphasises how much these emotions are felt deep within the core of oneself during this difficult hour.[2]

[1] Mizan‎, 20/185.
[2] Mizan‎, 20/185.