Al-Muṭaffifīn – Verses 16-17

ثُمَّ إِنَّهُم لَصالُو الجَحيمِ

ثُمَّ يُقالُ هٰذَا الَّذي كُنتُم بِهِ تُكَذِّبونَ

Then they will indeed enter hell,

then told: ‘This is what you used to deny!’


After entering hell, the guardians of hell or the people of heaven will reprove or rebuke the transgressors who denied the Day of Retribution.[1]

Verses 7-17 describe two sequences of events. The first sequence happens during the life of the fujjār in this world, whereas the second sequence will happen on the Day of Judgement. The first sequence includes: 1. Transgressing and accumulating sins (muʿtadin athīm). 2. Blinding their hearts such that they are veiled from seeing the truth or repenting (rayn). 3. Disbelieving in the communications of God saying they are myths. 4. Disbelieving in resurrection and the Day of Judgement. The second sequence includes: 1. Being veiled from God, cast far away from Him, and not receiving His mercy or forgiveness (maḥjūbūn). 2. Entering into hell (ṣālū al-jaḥīm). 3. Being told that this is the consequence of their actions.


  1. It is narrated that the Prophet said: ‘Be careful from belittling sins because a sin over a sin kindles great hell.’[2]
[1] Mizan, 20/234.
[2] Razi, 31/88.