Al-Muṭaffifīn – Verse 20

كِتابٌ مَرقومٌ

It is a written record.


This verse further emphasises that the record of the pious is clearly written, decreed, and certain (kitābun marqūm).[1]


  1. It is narrated that Abū Ḥamzah al-Thumālī said: ‘I heard Imam al-Ṣādiq (a) saying: “Surely, God created us from the high ʿilliyyīn and created the hearts of our Shias from what we have been created, and created their bodies from other than that. Their hearts yearn for us because they have been created from what we have been created.” Then he recited: No indeed! The record of the pious is indeed in ʿilliyyīn. And what will show you what is ʿilliyyūn? It is a written record, witnessed by the close ones. “And He created our enemies from sijjīn, and created their followers from what they had been created from, and their bodies from other than that. Their hearts yearn towards them because they have been created from that which those have been created from.” Then he recited these verses: No indeed! The record of the vicious is indeed in sijjīn. And what will show you what is sijjīn? It is a written record.’[2]
[1] Mizan, 20/235.
[2] Kafi, 1/390, h. 4.