Al-Muṭaffifīn – Verse 31

وَإِذَا انقَلَبوا إِلىٰ أَهلِهِمُ انقَلَبوا فَكِهينَ

And when they returned to their folks they would return rejoicing.


Fakihīn means cheerful, jocose, talking to each other to entertain, and to make each other laugh.[1]


There are two accounts about the context of revelation of this set of verses that describe how the believers were mocked.[2] The first account is that Imam Ali (a) with a group of companions passed by some hypocrites on their way to see the Prophet. Upon seeing them, the hypocrites winked at each other and ridiculed them. The verses were then revealed instantly to the Prophet before Imam Ali (a) and the group of companions arrived. The second account states that the verses were revealed when the disbelievers of Quraysh – Abū Jahl, al-Walīd ibn al-Mughīrah, ʿĀṣ ibn Wāʾil, and their friends – were mocking and ridiculing the poor believers such as ʿAmmār, Ṣuhayb, Khabbāb, Bilāl, and others. 

The verses depict, in some detail, the attitude of some of the disbelievers towards the believers. The verses also indicate that although those disbelievers were mocking and laughing at the pious ones in this life, ultimately the pious will be laughing and will witness the consequences of those disbelievers.

Makārim Shīrāzī explains that the verses include four methods used by the disbelievers against the believers. The sequence of the verses may indicate how the attitude of the disbelievers evolved compared to the state of strength of the believers. First, they laughed with arrogance and ignorance at the believers while they did not give attention or importance to the matter. Then, when the believers increased, the disbelievers ridiculed and mocked them indirectly or in homes and familiar gatherings. Finally, when things got out of their control, they accused the believers of being astray, and they became ready to start conflict with them.[3]

Resorting to mocking and ridiculing is one of the main methods used against many prophets in history and it continues until today.[4] By resorting to such a method, the disbelievers show that they have no argument to put forth or logical reasoning to challenge the faithful. Thus their rejection of the truth is not sound, but rather coming from selfish desires.

[1] Lane, under f.k.h.
[2] Tabrisi, 10/693; Razi, 31/94.
[3] Amthal, 20/44.
[4] Amthal, 20/46.