Al-Layl – Verse 19

وَما لِأَحَدٍ عِندَهُ مِن نِعمَةٍ تُجزىٰ

And is under no one’s obligation to return his favour.


The translators have translated this verse in quite diverse ways. However, the translation presented here is closer to the Arabic expression. The pronoun in ʿindahu can either refer to the God-wary and thus the verse would be saying no one has a favour over the God-wary for which they would have to act charitably towards them as a form of recompense,[1] or it can be referring to Allah and thus the verse would be saying no one has a favour over Allah for which they can expect a recompense, and thus any reward He gives is out of His infinite grace.[2]


This verse further describes the mind-set of the God-wary when they act charitably. It states that they are under no one’s obligation and are not somehow forced to give their wealth. Rather, they give purely for the sake of Allah. Their giving is a one-way favour and as mentioned in 72:9, they do not expect any reward or appreciation from their beneficiaries.

On the alternative understanding of the pronoun in ʿindahu, the verse is declaring that whatever reward Allah gives us for our charity is not something that we deserve and thus God is only acting justly. Rather, we do not technically deserve anything, for it is through His power and will that we managed to give charity in the first place. Thus, any reward He gives us is due to His infinite bounty and grace.

[1] Mizan, 20/307.
[2] Qummi, 2/426.