Al-Nāziʿāt – Verse 25

فَأَخَذَهُ اللَّهُ نَكالَ الآخِرَةِ وَالأولىٰ

So God seized him with the punishment of this life and the hereafter.


Akhadha comes from akhdh, which generally means to take, and in this context means to seize (11:102). Nakāl means punishment that serves as an example and deterrent for whoever sees it or hears of it. Further, al-ākhirah and al-ūlā refer to the hereafter and this world, respectively. In the light of this, verse 25 can be understood as stating that the deterring punishments given to Pharaoh, both during this life and after his death, should detract anyone from following his example if they are concerned for their welfare in this life or for their welfare in the next life.

Speaking of the punishment of the hereafter before that of this life is to give it precedence and prominence for it is more intense and ever-lasting.[1]


Despite all his power, Pharaoh’s arrogance and transgression caused him to be punished in this life by being drowned along with his soldiers. Furthermore, in the hereafter, he is in torment from the point of his death.[2]


Some exegetes have taken al-ākhirah (the latter or the last) in this verse to mean his last blasphemy, I am your exalted lord!, and al-ūlā (the foremost or the first) to be his first blasphemy, I do not know of any god that you may have other than me (28:38). They explain that God has taken him in punishment for these two statements.[3] Others have said that God punished him for al-ūlā and al-ākhirah, with al-ūlā being his denial and disobedience as described in verse 21, and al-ākhirah being the last word he said: I am your exalted lord.[4] Others still opine that al-ūlā refers to the first of his sins, and al-ākhirah refers to the last of them, and that God took him in punishment for all of these.[5]

There is little evidence to take all these interpretations as primary interpretations, especially that the Quran has used al-ākhirah and al-ūlā in numerous places referring to the hereafter and this life respectively (53:25, 92:13, 93:4).

[1] Qutb, 6/3815.
[2] Mizan‎, 20/189.
[3] Qummi, 2/403.
[4] Alusi, 15/232, reported from Abū Razīn.
[5] Tibyan, 10/258.