Al-Qamar – Verse 42

كَذَّبوا بِآياتِنا كُلِّها فَأَخَذناهُم أَخذَ عَزيزٍ مُقتَدِرٍ

They denied all of Our signs. So We seized them with the seizing of One [who is] all-mighty, omnipotent.


Āyāt (signs) has a vast meaning that includes verbal warnings or reminders, as well as miracles. In light of 17:101, it is more likely referring to the nine miracles given to Prophet Moses (a).[1]

Akhadhnā (we seized); akhdh literally means to take, receive, or obtain. It also has other meanings, unrelated to the context of this verse.[2] With the meaning of taking, it can figuratively mean restraining and preventing someone from doing what they desire (40:5), retaining or detaining them (12:78), grabbing or seizing them (3:11, 9:5, 11:102, 18:77, 29:40, 40:22, 69:45, 79:25), and taking them to task (2:225, 2:286, 5:89).

Akhdha ʿazīzin muqtadir (the seizing of an all-mighty, omnipotent) is the cognate accusative (mafʿūl muṭlaq) for akhadhnā, meaning the seizing was not an ordinary one, but the one meted out by the all-mighty, omnipotent.


This verse depicts the response of Pharaoh and his people after being continuously presented with miracles, signs, and warnings – their response was always that of rejection and disbelief.

The last phrase of this verse, So We seized them with the seizing of One [who is] all-mighty, omnipotent, has not been used in the context of any of the previous communities that were discussed before. Perhaps this is because Pharaoh and his likes were known for being extremely proud and boastful about their power, more than any of the other nations. This phrase thus indicates that no matter how powerful one may think they are, Allah has the ultimate power and might.[3]

The punishment and seizing of One [who is] all-mighty could mean that the punishment was of one who has no fear of retaliation when meting out punishment,[4] or one who cannot be defeated.[5] The punishment of the omnipotent one means that there is nothing that is impossible for Him and nor does He have any weakness.[6]


  1. In an implementation of the verse in a different context, it has been reported from Imam al-Bāqir (a) that They denied all of Our signs means all the vicegerents (awṣiyāʾ).[7]

Note: Using a verse in other than its context is called taʾwīl which is not permissible except for the Imams.


According to Rāzī, it is possible that They in They denied all of Our signs could be referring to all the disbelievers mentioned in the previous stories, i.e. from the time of Prophet Noah (a) until Pharaoh.[8]

[1] Amthal, 17/339.
[2] See Hans Wehr, ʾ-kh-dh.
[3] Amthal, 17/340.
[4] Suyuti, 6/136.
[5] Daqaiq, 12/548.
[6] Mudarissi, 14/258.
[7] Kafi, 1/207, h. 2.
[8] Razi, 29/319.