Al-Layl – Verse 13

وَإِنَّ لَنا لَلآخِرَةَ وَالأولىٰ

And indeed to Us belong the hereafter and the former [world].


Al-ūlā literally means the first, and here refers to the temporal world we live in. It is termed as such because it precedes the hereafter in time.[1]

In temporal terms, the world is thought to precede the hereafter but the verse first mentions the hereafter and then the world. This choice of word positioning is not random or without wisdom. Perhaps it is to indicate the importance of the hereafter and that it is the ultimate aim, hence it is mentioned before this world.[2]


This verse conveys the message that since both realms belong exclusively to God, He will choose to give recompense wherever He wishes and to whomever deserves it.[3] Furthermore, since both realms belong to Him, those who seek either realm should only ask Him, for none other has the power over these realms.[4]

This verse is also an emphasis that those who obey God and gain guidance are in no way benefiting Him and those who disobey Him and are led astray are not in any way harming Him.[5] His guiding is a grace and favour due to the fact that the world and the hereafter belong to Him, hence He is completely needless.[6]

It has been suggested that perhaps this verse along with the previous verse is meant to be a form of encouragement for the wealthy believers to spend more in the way of Allah, by indicating that He will give them further grace and would ease their path in this world and the hereafter, because He has power over both realms.[7]

[1] Manahij, 30/530.
[2] Amthal, 20/260.
[3] Daqaiq, 14/308.
[4] Maududi, 6/364 (taken from the original Urdu).
[5] Munyah, 30/408; Amthal, 20/260.
[6] Ibn Ashur, 30/343.
[7] Amthal, 20/260.