Al-Zumar – Verse 64

قُل أَفَغَيرَ اللَّهِ تَأمُرونّي أَعبُدُ أَيُّهَا الجاهِلونَ

Say: ‘Will you, then, bid me to worship other than Allah, O you senseless ones?!’


This is a rhetorical question, intended for emphasis.[1] The verse does not necessarily imply that the polytheists literally ordered the Holy Prophet to worship their idols. It is rather an effective rhetoric to make the audience come to their senses and be their own judges. Therefore, bid here has a general meaning that includes expectation, hope, and desire.


Given that Allah is the creator of all things, and He watches over all things, and To Him belong the keys of the heavens and the earth (verses 62-63), there remains no sensible justification for worshipping anyone other than Him. This should be so obvious that one who cannot connect these points is described as senseless (jāhil).

It has been said that this verse was revealed when the polytheists of Mecca told the Prophet: ‘Come and touch [in worship, or submit to] some of our gods, and we will believe in your God [in return].’[2] It has also been said that the verse was revealed when they offered the Prophet wealth, social status, and women on the condition that he renounces his message.[3]

The usage senseless ones (jāhilūn) in this verse shows that lack of sensible understanding leads one to the worship of other-than-God. Not only that, it makes one lead and urge others to do so as well.[4]

[1] Mizan, 17/290.
[2] Zamakhshari, 4/141.
[3] Kashif, 6/429-430.
[4] Qaraati, 8/197.