عَينًا يَشرَبُ بِها عِبادُ اللَّهِ يُفَجِّرونَها تَفجيرًا
A spring where the servants of Allah drink, which they make to gush forth as they please.
The abrār are not only people of faith. In reality, God elevates them by granting them the rank of being His servants. They reach this position when they fully and truly realise that they are nothing more than His owned bondsmen. When they perform acts of goodness, they expect nothing in return and seek nothing but His countenance (verse 9). They constantly place His will above their own, holding back their egos and personal inclinations, if any, with resolve and fortitude. He is with them as they exemplify devotion to Him in action, pateintly bearing the burdens of righteousness. In return, He casts away from them the hardships of the hereafter and settles their hearts in eternal joy and ease (verse 11).
The coming to be and enjoyment of the heavenly blessings demand nothing more than the will of the inhabitants of paradise (50:135). The making to gush forth of the spring from which the abrār drink is no different, as this verse explains.
[1] Mizan, 20/124-125.
[2] Mizan, 20/125.