Al-Balad – Verse 7

أَيَحسَبُ أَن لَم يَرَهُ أَحَدٌ

Does he suppose that no one sees him?


A yaḥsabu (does he suppose) is a rhetorical question to rebuke the person talked about in the previous verses or anyone who may think like that.


Based on how we understand the previous verses, this verse could be interpreted in different ways. It could be considered a rhetorical question directed to the one who thinks he is not being watched and his intention is not known when he spends money in the way of God or against it.[1]

Another opinion is that since he was lying about spending his wealth, this verse retorts by saying, does he think God does not know whether he did or did not spend his wealth?![2]


  1. It is reported from Ibn Abbas, from the Holy Prophet: ‘Man will not be able to move [on the Day of Judgement] until he is asked about four things: about his life – how did he spend it; about his wealth – from where did he amass it and where did he spend it; about his actions – what did he do; and about our love, the Ahl al-Bayt.’[3]


Another opinion – brought forth by Ālūsī – is that seeing (ruʾyah) means finding (wijdān) since the two are concomitant. Thus, the meaning of the verse would be: Does he suppose no one will find him [on the Day of Judgement] and take account of him?[4] Hence, it is referring to the fact that after he has spent his wealth, he will be brought forth one day and be questioned as to how he spent it.[5]

To understand the flow of the verses and to try and find a connection between verses 5 and 7, Subḥānī states that two groups of polytheists in Mecca were being addressed in this chapter. One group rejected resurrection and thus God’s power of punishment and thought no one has the power to take them to account, whilst the other group – when asked to spend for charitable causes – would reply by saying they had already spent a lot of wealth. God responds to both groups. As for the first group, He tells them man has been created in hardship, turmoil, and pain, so how can man claim to have any power over himself? And the second group is responded to by telling them that God is aware of the actions of man so how can man suppose that his actions are hidden from Him?[6]


  1. Behold, they belch out with their mouth: swords are in their lips: for who, say they, doth hear?[7]
[1] Daqaiq, 14/286.
[2] Tabrisi, 10/748.
[3] Tabrisi, 10/748.
[4] Alusi, 15/352.
[5] Tabrisi, 10/748.
[6] Munyah, 30/363.
[7] Psalms 59:7.