Al-Balad – Verse 19

وَالَّذينَ كَفَروا بِآياتِنا هُم أَصحابُ المَشأَمَةِ

But those who defy Our signs, they are the people of misfortune.


The pronoun hum (they) in the middle of the verse indicates separation (ḍamīr al-faṣl). This is in contrast to how the believers in the previous verse were referred to using a demonstrative pronoun. Perhaps this was to show that the disbelievers have such a low rank that they do not even deserve to be pointed at.[1]

Mashʾamah (misfortune) comes from shuʾūm meaning unlucky or inauspicious, which can be manifested in them being people of the left hand, i.e. they will be given their book of deeds in their left hand.[2]


Those who defy Our signs does not indicate which specific signs are being defied. According to Tabatabai, it refers to both the microcosmic and the macrocosmic signs and thus the verse is very general.[3]

The Arabs would generally consider the left side as unfortunate or as a bad omen and hence why this group is understood by some exegetes as being the people of the left hand, even though the word ‘left’ is not mentioned in the verse.[4]

These people are unfortunate for themselves and their society and no good comes from them, and their sign on the Day of Judgement is that they will be given their book of deeds in their left hand.[5]

The Quran divides people in the hereafter using different classifications. One such distinction is between the companions of the right (aṣḥāb al-yamīn) and companions of the left (aṣḥāb al-shimāl). The companions of the right are those who receive the record of their deeds in their right hand (69:19), whilst the companions of the left are those who will receive the record of their deeds in their left hand (69:25).


  1. According to Tafsīr al-Qummī, those who defy refers to those who opposed Imam Ali (a), whilst people of the left hand are the enemies of the Ahl al-Bayt.[6]

Note: This must be taken as an application of the verse and not as an interpretation.


  1. A wise man’s heart is at his right hand; but a fool’s heart at his left.[7]
  2. And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats. And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.[8]
  3. Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.[9]
[1] Alusi, 15/356.
[2] Tabrisi, 10/751.
[3] Mizan, 20/293.
[4] Mudarrisi, 18/124.
[5] Amthal, 20/225.
[6] Qummi, 2/423.
[7] Ecclesiastes 10:2.
[8] Matthew 25:32-33.
[9] Matthew 25:41.